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Top Benefits of Sulforaphane

Medical Journals, Scientific Papers and In-Vitro Testing contribute to the information on this page.  Links are provided in each paragraph.  For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us on Social Media or in a private message.


Broccoli Sprouts and The Importance of Sulforaphane: 

The research on sulforaphane is fast emerging, with more than 1000 peer-reviewed papers on the subject. The most significant aspect of sulforaphane is its Nutrigenomic properties. Sulforaphane has been shown to influence around 200 genes related to human immune function. This is the reason sulforaphane can be beneficial to overall health and well being by improving our defences against illness.  Sulforaphane is highly bioavailable and can be readily absorbed in the body. 


Research Cited for the FAQ page: 

Lee J-M, Johnson JA. An Important Role of Nrf2-ARE Pathway in the Cellular Defense Mechanism Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2004 ; 37(2):139-143

Fahey JW, Talalay P.  Antioxidant Functions of Sulforaphane: a Potent Inducer of Phase II Detoxication Enzymes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1999; 37:973-979 

Innmorato NG et al. The Transcription Factor Nrf2 Is a Therapeutic Target against Brain Inflammation. The Journal of Immunology 2008;181:680 – 689.

Cramer J, Jeffery EH. Sulforaphane Absorption and Excretion Following Ingestion of a Semi-Purified Broccoli Powder Rich in Glucoraphanin and Broccoli Sprouts in Healthy Men.2011;  Nutrition and Cancer, 63(2), 196–201

Halliwell B Free radicals and antioxidants – quo vadis? Trends in Pharmacological Sciences2011: 32(3):125-130.

Kensler TW et al.  Translational Strategies for cancer prevention in liver. Nature Reviews Cancer 3, 321-329 (May 2003)

2001 Steinkellner H et al. Effects of cruciferous vegetables and their constituents on drug metabolizing enzymes involved in the bioactivation of DNA-reactive dietary carcinogens.  Mutation Research 480–481 (2001) 285–297.

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Sulforaphane as an contributor in Cancer Chemoprevention: 

Doctor's Clinic

In recent years, there has been a shift in the cancer chemoprevention paradigm with a significant focus turning towards bioactive components of human diets for their anticancer properties. Since diet is an integral part of lifestyle and given that an estimated one third of human cancers are believed to be preventable though appropriate lifestyle modification including dietary habits, the current shift in the conventional paradigm assumes significance. Several epidemiological studies have indicated that consumption of broccoli is associated with a lower risk of cancer incidence including breast, prostate, lung, stomach and colon cancer. This review provides the current understanding of the cancer chemopreventive pharmacology of sulforaphane towards its potential as an anticancer agent.

Sulforaphane protects against Cardiovascular Diseases, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis & Obesity 

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels, such as ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. Generally, CVD is related to hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, or diabetes​.  Epidemiological studies have indicated that cruciferous vegetable intake correlated with a decreased risk for CVD. Because broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and contains isothiocyanates, which can produce the redox-regulated cardioprotective protein, thioredoxin, it was reasoned that consumption of broccoli could be beneficial to the heart. Sulforaphane is by far the most widely studied and best characterized isothiocyanate.  The findings presented in this review indicate that SFN, a phytochemical isolated from extracts of an edible plant with a presumed low level of toxicity, protects against CVD. SFN could therefore contribute to the prevention of CVD.

Vasculature of the Heart

Sulforaphane is an organic compound found in Broccoli sprouts, and it has amazing anti-aging benefits. At a cellular level it preserves proteome homeostasis (proteostasis) by activating the proteasome, which has been shown to lead to increased cellular lifespan and prevent neurodegeneration. Part of the aging process that is shown to decrease as we get older is the Nrf2 signaling. However, a bioactive molecule, like Sulforaphane, is able to re-activate the Nrf2 pathway thus associating Sulforaphane with the prevention of aging decline and age-related pathologies.


Sulforaphane and it's role in aging and neurodegeneration:
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